Neural Network Basics
Neural networks are everywhere today with applications like image recognition, speech recognition, time series forecasting, and so on. In science, specially physics, neural nets have been used to reduce the computational burden of several analyses like candidate selection, noise subtraction etc. More recently, physics informed neural networks have been used to solve differential equations as an alternative to finite element analysis. Another application is in parameter estimation where the so called likelihood-free inference techniques are an alternative (and a shift) from traditional techniques of stochastic sampling like Monte-Carlo. But what is fundamental reason behind neural nets working? I feel most internet resources dive into constructing a neural net without mentioning the answer to this. I was curious about this thought of writing this short article about it.
I should mention that while the term neural network sounds fancy. Practically, the understanding is pretty simple, and one is able to follow it with high-school math and the knowledge of partial differentition.
Practical working of a neural-netPermalink
Fundamental points:
- A neural net is basically a function -
. Once trained, the outputs are deterministic. For simplicity, lets put . - It is formed out of composition of a) a linear transformation, followed by b) a non-linear activation function.
- The “deep” (has nothing to do with my name) in deep-neural-nets is basically the
total number of compositions, which are referred to as hidden layers. Let’s consider
the simplest example of a single hidden layer,
Here, are a set of parameters called weights that are adjustable during the training. The parameter is called the bias. The function is a non-linear activation function. An example is, A class of activations are squeezer function like the above - they take in any number and map it to the interval (or something finite). - If there are two hidden layers, the network becomes,
Note above that is a matrix while is a vector, and the “ ” is used both as a regular dot product and also a matrix multiplication operation.
But why will such a composition work at all?Permalink
For me this was the more important question.
After all, the application of neural-nets lie in the practical difficulty that we cannot know the relation between inputs and outputs in most practical problems, and we depend on a neural net to do it for us, or at least approximate it reasonably well.
Two papers - Hornik et. al. (1990) and Hornik (1991) gives the answer to this. Another paper that I found very cutely stated the result without being super rigorous is Kreinovich (1991).
Now, unlike the previous section, following the content of these articles requires at least some highlights/overview of real-analysis. The main idea is captured by the titles of the mentioned papers: neural networks are universal approximators.
This means a neural network can be used to approximate any function! That is a very powerful statement! Surely there must be some assumptions, right?
- I mean can it approximate any function? Even weirdly/badly behaving ones? What about poles, singularities etc. etc. etc.?
- What are the constraints on what activation functions you can use?
- Does it work for any dimensional data?
Let’s start with the last one since it is the easiest to answer - If a neural net is the universal approximator for a one-dimensional, scalar function, the extension to vector outputs is immediate since it’s the same proof applied to approximating the individual components of the vector-valued function.
In terms of activation functions, the sufficient properties needed to work, at least in principle, is
- Non-constant
- Bounded in domain considered
Most squeezer type functions definitely satisfy this condition. But note that
this does not preclude the certain unbounded functions to be used, for example
Finally, what functions can be approximated?
- Continuous (it can have kinks; non-differentiable)
- Bounded
- Defined on a compact subset of
While the proofs in the papers above are daunting at first sight (maybe even after), the overall message is relatively easy to understand. We all know about polynomial interpolation of a continuous function. The fact that this works is the statement of the Weierstrass theorem which states that
each element of the set of continuous functions on a compact subset
of , denoted by , is well approximated by a polynomial.
The proof that neural-networks are universal approximators essentially delegates the proof to a generalization of the above, known as Stone-Weierstrass theorem. A fact about polynomials is that multiplication of two polynomials is another polynomial. This is a property satisfied by a mathematical structure called an algebra. Now,
It can be shown that the set of all single-layer neural networks form an algebra i.e., composition of two nets is another net.
Now the statement of Stone-Weierstrass (the way it makes most sense to me)
An algebra of
is dense in .
That’s it! With the two statements above, the result that neural-nets are
universal approximators follow the same reason as polynomial approximation -
the set of neural-nets form an algebra, so they can approximate any
element of
Now note that this is only a proof of existence. How one reaches the right network i.e., how one adjusts the weights and biases, how many nodes to consider in a layer, how many layers to use etc, is an entirely different problem. And this is where the nature and intuition about a specific problem becomes important, and is an active area of research in algoritms and computation.
I must mention that most of the statements above leave out rigor, but it is sufficient for my understanding of the bottomline. Hope this helps someone who was like me, wanting to find some fundamental reason why the hype with neural-nets after all.